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Cooperation Net “Villas romanas de Hispania” Association

A transversal working initiative which aims to fully cover the territory included in the ancient roman ‘hispania’ with an innovative and sustainable proposal based on heritage, culture and tourism.

Asociación Red de Cooperación ``Villas romanas de Hispania``

In 2015, ten public institutions joined together with the aim to preserve and disseminate the cultural legacy of this kind of archaeological sites. Historical places declared as Cultural Interest Goods, with a suitable access, welcome, information and understanding infrastructure to facilitate its visit.

This is how the “Cooperation Net Villas Romanas de Hispania” Association was born, a transversal working initiative which tries to fully cover the territory included in the ancient roman Hispania with an innovative and sustainable proposal based on heritage, culture and tourism.

This Net was constituted as a nonprofit association, with its own legal personality, under the Spanish Organic Law 1/2002, which regulates the right of association.

Founded at the Roman Villa of Almenara-Puras (Valladolid) the 27th of march of 2015, it is formed by the Regional Governments of Aragón and Navarra, the provincial councils of Palencia, Teruel and Valladolid, and the city councils of Almedinilla, Gijón, Mula and Puente Genil. The association is also open to new members.

Who can be part of the net?

As it is specified in the regulatory statutes of the association, any public entity which manages a “roman villa” type archaeological site open to the public under the next three central concepts can be part of the association:

  1. Archaeological and historical features: scientific relevance of the site, research projects developed, scientific papers produced, etc.
  2. Preservation and musealization levels: conservation actions made within the last four years; existence of a preservation plan for the site, musealization actions made, etc.
  3. Permanent visitors welcome structure and managing capacity.

The regulatory statutes of the association stablish that any new member must be supported by at least two founding members, that will present a written application aimed to Presidency, who will forward the proposal to the management board. The proposal will be submitted to approval of the general meeting. The writing application will include the documents confirming the compliance of the minimum criteria explained in the regulatory statutes.

The admission agreement must be approved by the competent body of the entity concerned, expressing its will of adhesion and observance of the regulatory statutes.

By arrangement of the general meeting held at the roman villa of La Olmeda on the 18th of May 2017, there is an annual fee of 2.000 € for the net’s members. There is also a 1.000 € admission fee for new members, that should be paid in addition with the annual fee.

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